About us

We are a team of molecular biologists focused on fly genetics, transgenesis, and CRISPR editing.

Our contributions

We have contributed significantly to some of the fields that we offer as services.

Brunner E*, Yagi R*, Debrunner M, Beck-Schneider D, Burger A, Escher E, Mosimann C, Hausmann G, Basler K (2019). CRISPR-induced double-strand breaks trigger recombination between homologous chromosome arms.Life Sci Alliance. 13;2(3). (* contributed equally)

Bischof J*, Duffraisse M*, Furger E, Ajuria L, Giraud G, Vanderperre S, Paul R, Björklund M, Ahr D, Ahmed AW, Spinelli L, Brun C, Basler K, Merabet S (2018). Generation of a versatile BiFC ORFeome library for analyzing protein-protein interactions in live Drosophila. Elife, 7. (* contributed equally)

Bischof J, Sheils E, Björklund M, Basler K (2014). Generation of a transgenic ORFeome library in Drosophila. Nature Protocols, 9(7), 1607-20.

Bischof J*, Björklund M*, Furger E, Schertel C, Taipale J, Basler K (2013). A versatile platform for creating a comprehensive UAS-ORFeome library in Drosophila. Development, 140(11), 2434-42. (* contributed equally)

Bischof J, Basler K (2008). Recombinases and their use in gene activation, gene inactivation, and transgenesis. Methods Mol Biol, 420, 175-95.

Bischof J, Maeda RK, Hediger M, Karch F and Basler K (2007). An optimized transgenesis system for Drosophila using germ-line-specific phiC31 integrases. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 104, 3312-17.

Our team

Johannes Bischof, PhD
Edy Furger, MSc
Cristina Bastos
Marc Debrunner, PhD
Esther Jud

Erich Brunner, PhD
Konrad Basler, Prof.


FlyORF Injection Service
University of Zurich
DMLS OST, Y55 K 06
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zurich
, Switzerland

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